We’re a global stakeholder relations and partnership building consultancy.
Collaborate Consulting exists to find the place where to being seemingly disparate interests meet. From that point of the connection, we create platforms.
We bring more than 24 years’ senior experience forging of
collaborations across government.
Praesent feugiat sem mattis.
A wonderful serenity.
Premium services for you.
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Call to ask any question 540-325-1523

Natalia Duke
(Chairman and founder)
Want to know more about us?
Just download brochure...
We position our clients at the forefront of their field by advanced services.
We bring more than 20 years’ senior experience forging
collaborations across government, private sector and
international forums.

Qalb for Executives
Qalb for Executives
Elevate your leadership prowess with our executive training program, where strategic insights meet transformative skills for unparalleled business success

Qalb for Employees
Qalb for Employees
Empower your managerial excellence with our dynamic training program, cultivating adept skills and strategic acumen for effective team leadership

Qalb for Students
Qalb for Students
Fuel your future with our student training program, unlocking potential through skill-building and knowledge enrichment for academic and personal success

Qalb for Kids
Qalb for Kids
Ignite curiosity and creativity in young minds with our engaging kids' training program, where learning becomes an exciting adventure tailored for growth and fun
Consultio is a professional consulting company
At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digni goiku ssimos ducimus qui blanditiis praese. Ntium voluum deleniti atque corrupti quos.
2nd Feb, 2018
Exhibition Planning & Exhibition Management21st Jul, 2018
Growth internationallyfirst half of the 2018s19th Aug, 2018
The purpose of the business plan2nd Jan, 2019
Focus business history on what matters to planning22nd Sep, 2019
History to Unite and Inspire People12th Jan, 2018
Establishment of Constrio8th Jul, 2018
Registered as a construction company18th Aug, 2018
Construction bought the Greek company Delta27th Sep, 2018
For lean business plans, operational plans, and strategic plans8th Jul, 2019
Award winner